Asking about church membership?

What next? What’s the process? Will I be interviewed again?


What are the differences between a church member and church attender?

What data will be kept on me apart from the Church members and friends list?

Who gets to vote on stuff?

What about my old church or the church I grew up in?

How am I replacing my old church when I join a new church?

I don’t get why I should need to join the church. Isn’t it fine to simply come to worship?

What kind of support can I expect as a church member?

How is it different from joining a gym? Is it more about going a culture of Christians?

What is required at church meetings? How often are they? What kind of decisions are made?

Who decides on the next pastor? Who chooses deacons?

What about those fees?  OK What percentage then? Total confidentiality.

Can I see how the church money is spent?

Will I be asked to say anything before joining the church? Do I get welcomed or interviewed?

If I am not sure I can agree to all of these things can I still be a church member?





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