What we believe

What we believe we are


We are a family of different nationalities and cultures who want to love God, love people and share Jesus.

At the heart of our faith is a desire for radical humility to be shown towards others.

We consider the Bible to be the revealed and inspired Word of God containing the good news that all people everywhere may come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ through repentance and faith in Him. Through careful and systematic study, it is able to provide the dynamic for contemporary living. The story of the Bible is even embedded on our walls.



Our aim is to participate with the Father’s mission in making fully committed disciples of Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, through Biblical teaching and the empowering of the Holy Spirit. We believe the sacrificial and atoning work of the cross can be appropriated by faith to receive forgiveness and peace with God.


We practice believers baptism by full immersion. This is for all who are happy to profess themselves as Christian believers.

We have services of infant dedication for babies and young children.

If you are interested in believer’s baptism for yourself or infant dedication for your child please speak to the pastor.

We can also solemnise marriages here, if you are interested in this please contact the pastor.

Doctrinally we are an evangelical church, which subscribes to the Declaration of Principle of the Baptist Union of Great Britain ( also known as Baptists Together) and the Basis of Faith of the Evangelical Alliance. We have also approved a ‘Christian Ethos Statement’ which is available on request and informs our activities.



Like all Baptist churches, we operate a system of church membership for those who feel Broadmead is ‘their’ church home. If you are interested in this, please read the leaflet below and then speak to the pastor.

Broadmead membership leaflet